Call for New Mentoring Volunteers
The Hartford County Bar Association can take great pride in being a leader in creating and administering a volunteer Mentoring Program. Over the past four years we have matched numerous new members of the Bar with experienced practitioners, for the purpose of helping to develop professionalism and civility in our newest members. We have worked closely with the CBA Task Force on mentoring, in an effort to spread the mentoring resource throughout the State.
A mentoring program cannot exist, however, without a roster of experienced attorneys willing to serve as Mentors. It does not take a great deal of time or effort to serve as a mentor, but the effect that a mentor can have on a new professional can be immeasurable. In addition, those who have mentored young lawyers report a great sense of professional satisfaction and accomplishment. Indeed they provide a tremendous service to our profession.
If you have been in practice for seven years or more, and think you might be able to make a difference in the development of a new member of the bar, please consider volunteering for this program.
For further information, including obtaining a complete set of our mentoring program documents, contact Tom Rechen ([email protected])