A voluntary not-for-profit association of lawyers and judges in Hartford County
(860) 525-8106
The 2020 HCBA High School scholarship Award was presented to Alexa I. Negron. Alexa is a 2020 graduate of Hartford Public High School. She will be attending University of Connecticut, where she will be majoring in social work. Alexa aspires to go to law school and receive her JD/MSW.
This annual award is typically presented at the HCBA Law Day Ceremony. Despite the cancellation of this year’s event, the HCBA was grateful to give this award to such a deserving student.
Honorable David M. Sheridan, Co-Chairperson
Jennifer E. Wheelock, Co-Chairperson
Anne K. Zovas, Scholarship, Co-Chairperson
Gerald L. Garlick, Scholarship, Co-Chairperson
Thomas J. Rechen, President